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Welcome To The Ugly Brown Couch Confessions



The Ugly Brown Couch Confessions is a podcast created from the shared experiences of two dynamic women gracefully navigating the intricate tapestry of motherhood amidst life's whirlwind. Our podcast takes its name from a metaphorical symbol - the ugly brown couch - embracing the old, the roughness, and the imperfections of everything.

Join Villy and Mandy and their diverse guests as they delve into the raw and real moments, sharing personal stories, lessons learned, and occasional misfortune. Let's explore the beauty of life's imperfect journey in our cozy and candid conversations.




Mandy & Villy

Join us for an empowering journey through real-life experiences and profound insights shared by women who have navigated life's twists and turns. Help us celebrate the resilience and strength of everyday heroines as they share their stories of triumph over challenges. 

Anchor 1

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Seeking Compelling Stories

We're on the lookout for new guests to feature on our podcast, and we'd love to hear from you! If you have a story that captivates, inspires, or challenges conventional thinking, we invite you to reach out to us and schedule a call.


Your unique perspective could be the next highlight of our show! Submit a request.


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